- Fran & Martyn's Web Site
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Family Crest

Hi - and welcome to, a website devoted to the Tovey family name. With your help, we have the rather modest aim of providing a meeting and information point for all the Toveys in the world. Please use the menu links above to find out more about the Tovey name.


Whilst the Tovey name is not particularly unusual, it is not that common either so, if you are a Tovey, live in a place called Tovey, know something about the Tovey name or have any suggestions for improving the site, please send an e-mail to and get in touch.


Several readers have asked us how to set about researching a family tree in the UK, so we've put together a short guide. If you have any other useful tips, please let us know.

For Nicola, Jo, Jim, Jill and Jenny

Take care, and best wishes!

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